There are a wealth of resources — both within and outside of WashU Medicine — to assist physician-scientists. In addition to the list below, you can also explore resources specifically for residents, fellows and junior faculty. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.
Career Awards for Medical Scientists
The Career Awards for Medical Scientists (CAMS) is a highly competitive program that provides $700,000 awards over five years for physician-scientists who are committed to an academic career, to bridge advanced postdoctoral/fellowship training and the early years of faculty service.
Applications due annually in the fall.
Bursky Center for Human Immunology & Immunotherapy Programs (CHiiPs)
The vision of The Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Center for Human Immunology & Immunotherapy Programs (CHiiPs) is to become a leader in the field of human immunology by establishing an environment where basic, translational and clinical aspects of human immunology and immunotherapy research are seamlessly integrated.
Clinical Research Training Center
The CRTC is the educational core of the ICTS that provides clinical and translational research training for predoctoral students, house-staff, postdoctoral scholars, fellows, staff, and junior faculty. The CRTC provides a cohesive and supportive infrastructure to foster clinical research training and career development for predoctoral students, house-staff, postdoctoral fellows, staff, and faculty.
Core Facilities
Housed within the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, a list of the multitude of cores available at WUSTL.
Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award
Support for early career physician-scientists studying cancer
The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting cancer research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity.
Award: $600,000 over three years
Applications are due annually in early February.
Damon Runyon Fellowship Awards
Cancer post-doctoral fellowship
The post-doctoral fellowship program, and it’s pediatric equivalent, support recently graduated MDs, MD/PhDs, and PhDs performing cancer research.
Applications are accepted twice per year (once for the pediatric program).
Damon Runyon Physician-Scientist Training Award
Support for MD-only physician-scientists
Physician-scientist applicants (MDs and DOs only) must have completed their residencies and clinical training, be U.S. Specialty Board eligible prior to the award start date, and be able to devote at least 80% of their time and effort to Damon Runyon-supported cancer research. MD/PhDs are not eligible to apply.
Award: $460,000 over four years
Applications due annually in December.
Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
The Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) at Washington University in St. Louis offers exceptional doctoral training at one of the nation’s preeminent biomedical research centers. The DBBS is organized into twelve academic programs, each representing a different scientific area.
Division of Biostatistics
The Division of Biostatistics is a medical school-wide facility that engages in research, biostatistical consultation, teaching and training.