The Division’s Advisory Board is composed of successful physician-scientists dedicated to enhancing the training of the next generation of clinician-investigators. This group advises on the programs and focus of the Division.

Wayne M Yokoyama, MD

Wayne M Yokoyama, MD

Associate Dean, WashU Medicine Division of Physician-Scientists; Sam and Audrey Loew Levin Professor of Medicine, Pathology and Immunology and Director of the Medical Scientist Training Program

ID/IMM StARR PI/Program Director

John Atkinson, MD

John Atkinson, MD

Samuel B. Grant Professor of Medicine

Mark Lowe, MD, PhD

Mark Lowe, MD, PhD

H. R. Colten Prof of Pediatric Science

Cynthia Rogers, MD

Cynthia Rogers, MD

Associate Professor, Child Psychiatry

Celia Santi Grau Perez, MD, PhD

Celia Santi Grau Perez, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, OB-GYN

Aaron Norris, MD, PhD

Aaron Norris, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology

Deborah Rubin, MD

Deborah Rubin, MD

William B. Kountz Professor of Medicine

Carmen Halabi, MD, PhD

Carmen Halabi, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Nephrology

Misty Good, MD, MS

Misty Good, MD, MS

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Newborn Medicine

Brian Edelson, MD, PhD

Brian Edelson, MD, PhD

Associate Professor, Pathology & Immunology